

Joseph Spinazzola è un ricercatore clinico, formatore organizzativo e psicologo clinico praticante specializzato nella valutazione e nel trattamento dello stress post-traumatico complesso in bambini e adulti. Dr. Spinazzola è il direttore esecutivo della Fondazione Trust, professore aggiunto presso la Richmont Graduate University, amministratore delegato del Complex Trauma Training Institute, e clinico senior presso il Complex Trauma Treatment Center di Boston. È Principal Investigator della Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trials e co-direttore della Complex Trauma Treatment Affiliates of North America. Il Dr. Spinazzola ha fondato il Complex Trauma Workgroup e il Complex Trauma Treatment Network della National Child Traumatic Stress Network ed è stato membro della Complex Trauma Taskforce della International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. È un formatore principale nel quadro di intervento complesso del modello Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) per bambini, famiglie e sistemi, e un co-sviluppatore e formatore principale di Component-Based Psychotherapy (CBP), un modello di trattamento relazionale basato su trauma e dissociazione per adulti con storie di abusi emotivi infantili e abbandono. 

Joseph Spinazzola is a clinical researcher, organizational trainer, and practicing clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of complex posttraumatic stress in children and adults. Dr. Spinazzola is the executive director of the Foundation Trust, adjunct professor at Richmont Graduate University, managing director of the Complex Trauma Training Institute, and senior clinician at the Complex Trauma Treatment Center Boston. He is a Principal Investigator of the Developmental Trauma Disorder Field Trials and co-director of the Complex Trauma Treatment Affiliates of North America. Dr. Spinazzola founded the Complex Trauma Workgroup and the Complex Trauma Treatment Network of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and was a member of the Complex Trauma Taskforce of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. He is a lead trainer in the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) complex trauma intervention framework for children, families, and systems, and a co-developer and lead trainer of Component-Based Psychotherapy (CBP), a relationally-based trauma and dissociation treatment model for adults with histories of childhood emotional abuse and neglect.