


Arthur Nielsen, M.D. è psichiatra, psicoanalista e terapeuta di coppia a Chicago, Illinois. È professore clinico associato di psichiatria presso la Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine; membro di facoltà presso il Northwestern's Family Institute di Evanston, e membro di facoltà del Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Per molti anni è stato il coordinatore di un corso di successo da lui sviluppato per gli studenti della Northwestern, intitolato "Marriage 101: Building Loving and Lasting Relationships". Negli ultimi anni, ha tenuto conferenze a livello nazionale e internazionale, ed ha gestito corsi sulla terapia di coppia a studenti in Iran e Cina.È autore di più di 40 articoli accademici pubblicati nei campi della psichiatria, della psicoanalisi e della terapia di coppia,. Ha pubblicato un libro di testo, A Roadmap for Couple Therapy: Integrating Systemic, Psychodynamic, and Behavioral Approaches.

Arthur Nielsen, M.D. is a full-time, practicing psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and couple therapist in Chicago, Illinois. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern’s Feinberg School of Medicine, a faculty member at Northwestern's Family Institute in Evanston, and a faculty member of the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. For many years and until recently, he was the coordinator of a popular for-credit course he developed for Northwestern undergraduates, “Marriage 101: Building Loving and Lasting Relationships.” In recent years, he has lectured nationally and internationally, and has taught courses on couple therapy to students in Iran and China. He is the author of more than 40 published professional papers in the fields of psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and couple therapy, together with a textbook, A Roadmap for Couple Therapy: Integrating Systemic, Psychodynamic, and Behavioral Approaches.