
Docente Universitario

Mark W. Steege, Ph.D. è Professore di Psicologia Educativa e Scolastica presso la University of Southern Maine. Il Dott. Steege è Psicologo Abilitato, Psicologo scolastico certificato a livello nazionale, e analista del comportamento. Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli, capitoli e libri incentrati sulle metodologie di analisi applicata del comportamento. Questo intervento presenterà il contenuto della terza edizione di "Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments: A Practitioner's Guide (2019).

Mark W. Steege, Ph.D. is Professor of Educational and School Psychology at the University of Southern Maine. Dr. Steege is a Licensed Psychologist, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral. He has published numerous journal articles, book chapters and books focusing on applied behavior analysis methodologies. This presentation will feature content from the 3rd edition of "Conducting School-Based Functional Behavioral Assessments: A Practitioner's Guide (2019).