
John E.

John E. Lochman, PhD, ABPP è psicologo clinico e Saxon Professor Emeritus di Psicologia. E’ stato il direttore e fondatore del Center for Prevention of Youth Behavior Problems (ora Center for Youth Development and Intervention) alla University of Alabama. Ha lavorato alla facoltà della Duke University Medical Center dal 1980 al 1998. Ha ricevuto un dottorato onorario dall'Università di Utrecht nel 2004 per la sua ricerca sulla prevenzione; il Premio Internazionale di Prevenzione Collaborativa dalla Società per la Ricerca sulla Prevenzione nel 2009; il premio Distinguished Career Award del 2011 dalla APA Division 53 (Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology); il premio Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award; e il premio per Distinguished Service and Contributions to the Profession of Psychology dall'American Board of Professional Psychology . Negli ultimi 35 anni, le sue ricerche e oltre 440 pubblicazioni si sono principalmente focalizzate sui fattori di rischio socio-cognitivi contestuali e studi di intervento per bambini con problemi comportamentali. Ha partecipato allo sviluppo di programmi di prevenzione basati su prove empiriche (il Coping Power Program, così come l'Anger Coping Program e il Fast Track Program) che usano approcci cognitivo-comportamentali di regolazione delle emozioni e di risoluzione dei problemi sociali con i bambini; e di training comportamentale con i genitori. Il Dr. Lochman ha anche preso parte nella ricerca su come il Coping Power può essere adattato a diverse persone e culture, e integrato con diversi componenti di trattamento per migliorare gli effetti dell'intervento.

John E. Lochman, PhD, ABPP is a clinical psychologist and Saxon Professor Emeritus of Psychology, and was the founding Director of the Center for Prevention of Youth Behavior Problems (now Center for Youth Development and Intervention) at The University of Alabama. He served on the faculty of Duke University Medical Center from 1980-1998 before moving to the faculty of The University of Alabama. He received an honorary doctorate from Utrecht University in 2004 for his prevention research, the International Collaborative Prevention Award from the Society for Prevention Research in 2009, the 2011 Distinguished Career Award from APA Division 53 (Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology), 2013 Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award, and the 2014 Award for Distinguished Service and Contributions to the Profession of Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology. His federal research funding over the past 35 years, and his over 440 publications, have primarily addressed contextual social-cognitive risk factors and intervention research for children with behavior problems. The school-based and community-based prevention programs he has co-developed and evaluated (Coping Power Program, as well as the Anger Coping Program and Fast Track Program) use cognitive-behavioral, emotion-regulation, and social problem-solving approaches with children, and behavioral parent training with parents, and have become recognized as evidence-based programs. Dr. Lochman has been involved in research examining how Coping Power can be adapted for different populations, and integrated with different treatment components to potentially enhance the intervention effects.